Sunday, July 18, 2010


I'm testing uploading and doing posts from my phone. So in doing this I thought I'd pose a riddle.

When is the half of something equal to its whole?

We have come up with two different answers. Have fun.


Kimberly Ruth said...

when you have only half of something left? I'm just guessing because I really have absolutely noooo idea.

Anonymous said...

Half and Half creamer ;)

Kenna said...

When you have two halves??!?!?!?
I have no idea! :)

Anonymous said...

Two halves=a new baby.

Pollock Family said...

When two halves join together in marriage and become one flesh.

Stephen W said...

Nice riddle!!! I'd have a pretty good guess ;o) but I won't spoil it for the rest of the readers... Hope your having a GREAT time in WY!!! Love ya bunches!!!!

ThomasJG said...

A Lie for one.

Marriage cannot be an answer because each half by itself does not equal the whole. The riddle for that would be something like, "when does 1+1=1?" or whatever. Same with the baby answer.

I can't think of another answer at the moment though.

The Mayo Family said...

Marriage, children and a home!
How about that...a pre-fab put together! :)
Hope to hear soon....
Mayo's x's 10



Anonymous said...

Yes! We're ready for the answer! :)

Josiah and Abi Wissmann said...

OK, so here is the answer, the number zero, or infinity. Half of nothing is nothing. Half of a forever is still forever.

Lily said...

More riddles!!


Anonymous said...

That was great! Thanks! :)

Alanna Lexie said...

I would have never guessed...!!!

PS: This is the first time I've commented here, but I just wanted to say...I love your blog and your family (Wissman's!!!).

Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with the riddle, but i want to know. When are you going to update your site?

Anonymous said...

please update soon! thanks!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...Mabey we're gonna have to bug them til they update! lol! ---But who knows how long THAT could take!(updating, that is) haha! jus kidding Mr.& Mrs.Wissmann! ;)

Anonymous said...

please post

Anonymous said...

are u ever going to update?!?!